appreciation | photography Appreciation #48: mint tea ByLarissa November 16, 2013October 1, 2013 Appreciation #48: mint tea
appreciation | photography Appreciation #51: cluster of trees ByLarissa November 19, 2013October 1, 2013
appreciation | photography Appreciation #26: inquisitive curiosity ByLarissa October 25, 2013October 1, 2013
appreciation | photography Appreciation #4: the color purple ByLarissa October 3, 2013January 7, 2014
events, portraits, weddings | photography Billy Corgan and Art Shay ByLarissa October 24, 2013February 13, 2014 One of the world’s great photographers with a great musician.
appreciation | photography Appreciation #63: Healing Waters ByLarissa December 1, 2013November 30, 2013
appreciation | photography Appreciation #29: saints who hear our prayers ByLarissa October 28, 2013October 1, 2013