appreciation | photography Appreciation #37: twitter of birds in the morning ByLarissa November 5, 2013October 1, 2013 Appreciation #37: twitter of birds in the morning
appreciation | photography Appreciation #5: frolicking friends ByLarissa October 4, 2013October 1, 2013
appreciation | photography Appreciation #24: cows on the hill ByLarissa October 23, 2013October 1, 2013
appreciation | photography Appreciation #29: saints who hear our prayers ByLarissa October 28, 2013October 1, 2013
appreciation | photography Appreciation #61: discovering passageways ByLarissa November 29, 2013October 1, 2013
appreciation | photography Appreciation #42: shadows on pavement ByLarissa November 10, 2013October 1, 2013